Dear Parent and/or Guardian:
“Welcome” to those of you who may be new to First Baptist Church of San Bernardino’s AWANA program, and “Welcome Back!” to returning parents and/or guardians. I am excited about what God has in store for us and our clubbers this year, and I look forward to serving and working with you for His purpose. The first night of AWANA is Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 5:30pm.
While the First Baptist Church of San Bernardino provides the facilities and equipment, our AWANA Club is a self-supported ministry. Our dues defray the cost of supplies and activities throughout the AWANA club year.
Yearly dues and books are mandatory for all clubbers and must be paid for by September 4, 2024. Dues are $30 for the first child; $25 for the second child; $20 for the third child and free for the fourth child. Throughout the AWANA year your clubber will receive items purchased from First Baptist Church AWANA designated funds at the Christmas Store, Auction, weekly snacks and theme nights.
Please pre-register your clubber(s) online using the attached Medical Release form thru August 11 2024 at This will ensure your clubbers’ spot in AWANA, and I will pre-order their club book so they can get started earning their AWANA Bucks for our upcoming Christmas store.
The AWANA Clubs are divided up as follows:
Cubbies (preschool)
Sparks (kindergarten thru 2nd grade)
T&T (3rd thru 6th grade)
Each week registration will begin promptly at 5:30pm under the gazebo where your Clubber will receive a ticket for drawings. Registration will end at 5:45pm.
Parents and/or guardians need to pick-up your clubber from their classroom at 7:15pm. This pick-up process will assure your clubbers’ Director that once your clubber is released to you, they are being escorted to the church parking lot under your supervision, and are safely on their way home after AWANA. I appreciate parents/guardians and others helping us encourage both good, safe behavior and respect for our time and facility. At dismissal and pick-up time, help us keep them safe by discouraging play near the parking lot area or around the sanctuary.
It is an absolute joy to have your child attend our AWANA Club this year. I count it a privilege that you have chosen my church; I know that you have a choice. Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer for you or assist you in any way in meeting the needs of your family.
Dorothy White
AWANA Commander